You know you’re a Knottie when…

-    You can’t sleep, so you think about what your next post will be.
-    When talking to friends you use words like FI in normal conversation
-    Your family and friends laugh at you for having internet friends, even though the knotties helped more with your wedding than the “real” people
-    You use the term BM when talking to your wedding party and they think you’re talking about a bowel movement
-    The knotties know more about what is going on in your life than your closest friends do
-    You can give someone an STD without any repercussions
-    The first and last thing you do everyday is check the knot
-    You should be studying or working, but you’re on the knot instead
-    You have a stack of work on your desk a foot high, but somehow cruising bios seems much more important
-    When you email your friends about the wedding you use acronyms like: HM, BM, TIA, STD, HTH, FI
-    You reach to fellow knotties for advice because you don’t want to track down your other friends about tulle and overlay opinions
-    You look at new photos and the first thing you think is “Is this one good enough to go in my siggy?”
-    You finished a task or get an idea and put it in your bio before you tell your mom or MOH
-    Your conversations with FI all tend to start with “So this girl on the knot…”
-    You have “good knottie friends” and knotties you “don’t like” all based on their posts, when really they’re all strangers.
-    You say “I’m doing this tonight” and people ask “with whom?”  You respond, “Her name is x and I technically haven’t met her yet, but you’re both planning weddings.”  Then you get weird looks and confused grins
-    You sneak off with your laptop during lunch so you can knot.
-    You now live 1,200 miles from Pittsburgh but still feel you have a right to constantly post on the Pittsburgh board since you lived there for 22 years of your life.
-    You take your laptop with you to watch your favorite TV show so you can chat about it with your internet friends.
-    You say things like “I have a friend that….” to a girlfriend and you’re really talking about your knottie friend you’ve never met.
-    You actually meet your knottie friends and you call them by their abbreviated knottie names
-    The first thing your FI says when a WR problem comes up is, “Can you ask the girls on the knot?”
-    Your FI asks, "Can you get off the computer... we haven't spent any time together in days and I miss you..." You respond... But I'm doing research for our wedding! and are genuinely annoyed that he would dare interrupt the wedding planning process (instead of being touched that he wants to spend time with you)
-    When vendors ask who referred you and you can only remember their Knottie name - such as, "Oh FutureMrsJacobs."
-    You read emails from co-workers/friends that use standard acronyms and you associate them with Knottie meaning and not their true meaning. Example, "We should use a DD if we go out." Proper meaning = designated driver; knottie meaning = dirty delete.
-    you think every website starts with "the" and you find yourself typing "", "", "", etc etc...
-    Every time you type the word 'not' a 'k' magically appears in front of it :)

Found on YouTube by a Baltimore Knottie. Pretty funny!